As a local New Jersey Real Estate Photographer I get to travel around different parts of New Jersey and I get to see variety of towns and visit multiple homes in the area. Unfortunately a lot of homes I photograph are not always ready for a session, as they are in need of major decluttering and some TLC. After few years of experience in this field of photography I've come up with a list of preparation techniques, which helps my clients and I to get through photography session faster and smoother. As a result it help me with a production of beautiful images, which leaves client happy and satisfied, and leaves me with a great portfolio! I've created a check list which I distribute to my clients prior to the photo session. Today I would like to share it with you. Hope it helps you too!
Home Declutter List
Declutter countertops of any appliances such as toasters, coffee makers and blenders they should be placed out of view in a closet or cabinet
Remove any garbage or recycle cans from the kitchen
Clear views of deck patio through sliding doors if necessary
Remove any busy looking fabrics with patterns on them, such as throw blankets and hand towels
Clear bathroom of toiletries, scales, and garbage cans
Clear out bottles/soaps from inside the shower if they are visible through a glass shower door
Put away children’s toys
If boxes or other moving materials are present, please find a temporary space out of rooms that are going to be photographed
Please check all lights for bulbs that are out, all lights should be on at the time of the shoot
Any furniture that is going to be moved from the photos should be moved prior to the beginning of the shoot
Windows should be closed, cleaned and blinds up. The more natural light the better
Hide wires when possible
Clear desks of paperwork and miscellaneous items
Please place any pets in a room that will not be photographed
I find it extremely helpful to provide clients with this list ahead of time. That way nobody's time is wasted and everyone is pleased with the final work. Whether you are a photographer in New Jersey or any other state or even country I believe this check list will be relevant to you and your client. It certainly helps me in my business, and now I hope it will help you too!
Good luck shooting!
